If your to-do list isn’t as short as you’d wish, don’t feel discouraged. Between busyness and a complete slow-down, there’s a sweet spot for being present, slow, and mindful.
I’m not sure if it’s about vitamin D or something else. But there’s nothing as beautiful and refreshing as waking up when the sun is shining through your window.
A way of making it even more special is to pause before drinking to really take in the smell. Or else—you could ask your loved one to brew coffee for you and bring it to your bed.
Grounding – so getting in touch with the Earth’s natural electric charge – has been shown to reduce stress and pain, and improve our mood.
Assign a couple of minutes each morning or evening for some slow reading. When I make a ritual out of reading, it helps me relax and go deeper into it.
Who doesn’t adore the flickering quality of candlelight? Candles can be very therapeutic, helping to concentrate and ground in the moment. It can be beneficial if you’re trying to meditate.