10 Ways To Be Intentional Every Day

Simply + Fiercely

Does it ever feel like you’re just going through the motions of life and not really headed anywhere? Do you feel stuck on autopilot? If so, you’re not alone.

When you embrace intentional living, you can live on your own terms and create a life of purpose and meaning.

Here are a few simple ideas to help you begin: ten ways to be intentional every day.

Set boundaries before you begin by asking the following questions —why am I doing this, and how does it serve me? If you don’t have a good answer, it might be time to do something else.

Be mindful of the media you consume

It’s a simple step towards a happier life because I truly believe that what we project is reflected back to us.

Choose to be kind

Perhaps the best way to be intentional every day is to do something that brings you joy. It’s such a powerful means of adding value to your life but it’s so often overlooked.

Do something that brings you joy

There’s no right or wrong answer but the point is we must be intentional with our purchases. Ask why before you buy, and question how it’s adding value to your life.

Ask “why” before you buy

You can show the people in your life that you care by making an effort to really hear what they have to say and resisting the urge to centre their stories on yourself.

Practice active listening

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