20 Ways I've Made My Life Easier

Simply + Fiercely

For years, I lived in a constant state of stress and overwhelm until making the conscious decision to pursue a simplified life.

It wasn’t easy; I was a shopaholic and workaholic accustomed to too much stuff and too little time.

But since then, I’ve simplified and surprised myself with the results. Here are 20 simple things you can do to simplify and create a little space to breathe along the way.

I follow a simple eating philosophy, which means I don’t meal plan or cook elaborate meals. Instead, I keep things relaxed and simple by embracing a “food uniform”, which is similar to uniform dressing.

Embrace simple eating

Taking a break completely changed my viewing habits. I no longer watch it mindlessly; instead, I’m intentional about only turning it on when there’s something specific I want to watch.

Watch less TV

I currently spend about 30 minutes a day cleaning plus about one hour a week catching up on loose ends (even with two children at home!).

Do less housework

Now that we rent, I have so much freedom. We live in a high-rise apartment, so someone else does the yard work, cleans the pool, and worries about maintenance issues. Plus, if we want to leave, there’s no stress about selling.

Rent instead of buying

It wasn’t always easy living in such a small space, but it was 100% worth it because I was able to save a TON of money. I became debt-free for the first time in my life, and then I saved enough to go on a seven-month honeymoon!

Downsize your home

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