A morning journaling practice is a wonderful way to begin a new day with clarity and purpose.
Use when: You feel stuck, unsure, or even a bit lost. Whenever you’re in a rut, a morning journaling exploration of how you want to feel (rather than what you want to achieve) is a great first step to lifting your mood.
To do this, start by imagining that you’re in bed at the end of the day and about to close your eyes. Take a deep breath and then exhale. How do you want to feel at that moment?
Use when: You’re feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list. We all have times when we feel overwhelmed by the weight of our responsibilities. There’s so much that we want to do and be—but never enough time to get it all done.
If you can relate, then try experimenting with this journal prompt in the morning. Before you open your diary or your to-do list, close your eyes and take one minute to picture a tree changing throughout the seasons.
Use when: You need a pick-me-up. Whether it’s your first day back at work after a holiday or you’re generally feeling a little low, this morning journal prompt can help change your outlook.