I present you with real-life simplicity. As a family, we have just “enough” to be happy in our small (but not tiny) 660 square foot apartment. We use “stuff” when it adds value to our life—nothing more and nothing less.
Creating capsule or minimalist wardrobes for everyone in the family, including the kids, can make life so much simpler!
There are many strategies that you can use to manage gifts as a minimalist family and here are a few ideas. Use gift categories, such as something to wear, something to read, something to do, etc.
Create traditions that don’t revolve around gift-giving. Choose one large “experience” gift, like an annual membership to the zoo and ask family members to contribute to the expense.
Every single toy, book, game, etc. should have a specific place in your home. Be consistent about putting things back in the same place and your children will (hopefully) learn from you.
Minimalism is less about decluttering and more about making room for life. One great way to do this is to value memorable experiences over buying more toys or games.