Advice From a Former Shopaholic on How to Quit Online Shopping

Simply + Fiercely

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of shopping, especially online shopping. It’s so quick and easy.

New things might make you happier for a short time, but the thrill is short-lived more often than not.

Keep reading for tips that will help you stop shopping. These have all been real-world tests in my own life.

Try making this one small change to your routine. Instead of going on Amazon, open a notepad app and start a “Wait and See” list. Write down everything you want to buy—and then wait.

Create a “Wait and See” List

It’s less about what you want to buy and more about managing your feelings. We feel the urge to shop when we’re: – Sad – Triggered by something – Angry – Anxious – Bored

Inspect Your Urges

When you’re feeling triggered by any of these emotions, remove yourself from any shopping devices and hide away your credit cards. Why not try practicing self-care or journaling instead?

Delete them from your phone altogether. This way, you’ll have to make a conscious decision to sit down at the computer to buy something online.

Delete Shopping Apps

I know it’s inconvenient, but that’s the point. Sometimes the hassle of having to physically get your credit card is enough resistance to slow your online shopping habits!

Forget Your E-Wallet

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