Closet Decluttering Tips

Tip One:

Know that you can admire a style without needing to wear it.

Just because you like a look on someone else doesn't mean that you'll love wearing it yourself. If you love it but never wear it — it's OK to pass it to someone who will. 

Tip TWO:

Be honest about how much you’re willing to suffer for fashion.

I used to live in pencil skirts, stiletto heels, and tiny cocktail dresses. But as I've gotten older, I just don't want to suffer for fashion, and now my closet reflects that. 


Simplify your style by dressing with a personal uniform.

A personal uniform doesn't mean wearing the exact same thing every day. Instead, it's about defining a few go-to looks—and sticking with them.

Click to read my ultimate guide—everything you need to know about decluttering clothes and creating a minimalist wardrobe. 

Want to learn more about decluttering your closet?