How To Declutter Your Closet For Good: An Ultimate Guide

Simply + Fiercely

Are you looking for tips on how to declutter your closet? If so, you’re definitely not alone!

I’ve been living a minimalist lifestyle for nearly a decade and during that time, I’ve had countless conversations with women about their wardrobe struggles.

Time and time again, you’ve told me how much you want to declutter your clothes—but for some reason, you just can’t let go. That’s why I decided to put together this closet decluttering guide.

I went through my closet and took out all the things I wore most often. I realised that I could use this information to write my own set of style guidelines, I refer to this as the Style Standard Method.


As a general rule, you’re going to sell, donate or recycle your clothes. The right option for you depends on many factors—you have to weigh up your financial goals with the time and energy you have available.


If you need help identifying the emotions and “hooks” that are keeping you from letting go of clothes, try working through these questions. Bring an open mind and see what comes to the surface.

Questions To Declutter Your Closet

Would You Buy It Again? Are You Willing To Take Care Of It? What Were You Thinking About When You Bought It? How Does It Fit You? When Can You Wear It? Do You Feel Guilty About How Much You Spent?

- Know that you can admire a style without needing to wear it. - Be honest about how much you’re willing to suffer for fashion. - Stop comparing yourself to other people.

Here are a few more tips for decluttering your closet:

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