How can you stop wanting more and genuinely feel happy with what you already have? I struggled with this for years and it’s what kept me stuck when I first started exploring a minimalist lifestyle.
Resisting this twitch is going to take practice and repetition, so start small. Next time you feel an urge—even for something small like a takeaway coffee—try resisting.
If you gradually start buying less and less new things, this will eventually become your new normal.
If you want to feel happy with what you have, then another tip is to practice gratitude regularly. The simplest way to do this is by writing a daily gratitude list.
The next step is to look at the stories you tell yourself. Which of your own stories fuel your constant need for more and how can you consciously begin re-writing these stories?
The step to wanting less and being happy with what you have is to understand where these urges come from. Don’t judge yourself—instead, be curious. What happened right before you began wanting more?