Important Advice on How to Enjoy Life and Slow Down

Simply + Fiercely

There’s no denying we live in a fast-paced world with endless to-do lists, appointments, and responsibilities.

Trust me, I get it—with young children and a small business to run, I’m right there with you! Some days there’s barely enough time for all the things we have to do.

After a decade of experimenting with simple and intentional living, I’ve learned there are simple ways to slow things down. Here are 10  real-world tips for less stress and more joy in our daily lives.

If you feel the need to slow down a busy day, one of the quickest and easiest things you can do is make the intentional decision to disconnect for a while.

Unplug and switch off

In this case, I’m not talking about saying “no” to other people (although that’s often a good idea as well!). Instead, I’m talking about creating your own mental boundaries.

Set clear boundaries

It might not seem like much, but the sum of these little rituals combined added a rhythm to my day that helped me to slow down and enjoy my time as a new mum a bit more.

Practice simple rituals

List writing, on the other hand, makes it easier to decide what to write about (which is especially important when you’re shifting from a fast pace to a slower one).

Write a list  (or two!)

I’ve found that taking even a quick five minutes to stretch, do a few yoga poses, or take a short walk can do wonders for your well-being.

Move your body

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