I may have kicked my mindless shopping habit, but I am not afraid to spend money on things that bring me joy or add value to my life.
I love learning new things (it’s one of my core values and if I’m not learning, I’m not happy). While everyone’s values are different, I truly believe that investing in learning is investing in yourself.
Travel is a great teacher; you learn about the world and also a lot about yourself. It’s also incredibly fun – and this leads to wonderful memories that, as time passes, only further enrich your life (unlike many material purchases, which weight us down with time).
For me, food is one of the great joys in life. There is nothing I love more than a truly amazing meal.
I don’t believe you have to ‘DIY’ everything; if you really hate housework, hire a cleaner. If you’re not getting results at the gym, hire a personal trainer. If you desperately need some time to yourself, hire a nanny.