If there’s one thing I love, it’s a good checklist—especially when I’m about to take on a big project or lifestyle change.
Minimalists know what matters most to them. They know their values and priorities and they choose to align their lives accordingly. This is their “vision” of minimalism and it fuels all of their life decisions.
Take a few minutes to think about all the areas of your life that need simplifying. I suggest you consider: Your home Your schedule Your spending Your meals Your relationships Your work/career
Look at the area of your life that you’ve decided to focus on, think about your vision and ask yourself what’s the easiest way to make an impact? What one small step can you do today to move forward?
If you can declutter an entire room this weekend, that’s great—but if you can’t, that doesn’t mean that you’re failing or that you can’t do this. Consistency is more important than speed.
Finally, I highly recommend that you set regular reminders to reflect on your progress—and perhaps more importantly, celebrate your wins! This is so important because this is how you create new habits.