Powerful Benefits of Journaling

Simply + Fiercely

Keeping a journal is a powerful tool for intentional living—and the benefits of journaling don’t end there.

It can improve so many different aspects of life, such as your physical health, productivity, and mental well-being.

If you’re curious to learn more, keep reading for seven reasons why I recommend journaling to absolutely everyone. I’ll also share a few tips to help you start journaling, even if you don’t consider yourself a writer.

One of my favorite ways to use a journal is for decision-making. A journal is a safe, private space that can be used to explore thoughts around a decision.

Safe experimentation

The reflective nature of journaling and expressive writing is beneficial for moving through crises or traumatic events.

It can help you process crisis or trauma

A mind filled with worry is constantly juggling thoughts and multitasking. By putting these thoughts into a journal, we’re effectively creating space in our brains to boost our cognitive power.

Better brain power

Journaling can help us gain a better understanding of our emotions. In turn, it can help us exercise empathy and improve emotional intelligence (EQ).

Improved emotional intelligence

One explanation for the physical health benefits of journaling is that it decreases the production of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

Improved physical health

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