It’s no secret that daily routines can bring joy and purpose to your everyday life. Routines ensure that the important things are prioritised and—in theory—they make life simpler.
Remember that you can always pick up where you left off. Every day provides new opportunities and your daily routines are simply tools that will help you live life to the fullest.
Just because you decided to start a journaling habit doesn’t mean you have to do it forever. It’s completely OK to change your mind and adjust your routines when needed.
There’s no need to do things the hard way! Instead, keep things simple by paying attention to what feels natural and easy for you.
There are a few ways you can do this. First, consider making certain types of activities part of your routine but be flexible with the details.
Go back to your purpose—what are you trying to achieve with your routine? Get clear and then decide on ONE small change that will help you move forward.