Simple Pleasures That Make Life Beautiful

Simply + Fiercely

If your to-do list isn’t as short as you’d wish, don’t feel discouraged. Between busyness and a complete slow-down, there’s a sweet spot for being present, slow, and mindful.

With practice, you can make space to enjoy life’s simple pleasures: a sip of tea, a slice of cake, a moment of conscious breathing or watching the sky. It’s these small things that make life feel worthwhile.

To help encourage this joyful habit, I’ve created a list of 10 daily acts for you to celebrate—because life is truly more remarkable when we’re not in the fast lane.

Such daily self-care is not only practical (helps with anti-aging!), but does wonders for your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Create A Soulful Skincare Regimen

According to research from Stanford University, awe-inspiring experiences “slow down time and enhance our wellbeing.” And what’s more awe-inspiring than watching the sun make its way around the earth?

Watch A Sunrise Or Sunset

Sorry if it sounds boring, but water is essential for our health and wellbeing. So next time you pour yourself a glass of water, pause for a second and thank nature for this simple gift.

Drinking A Tall Glass of Water

There’s nothing more luxurious than going to bed with fresh sheets! Change your bedding and then take a few minutes to close your eyes. Enjoy feeling wholly supported and relaxed.

The Smell of Fresh Sheets

Everyone has this one song that makes their heart skip a beat. Turn your music up and let loose!

Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

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