Small Steps to Take Time for Yourself

Simply + Fiercely

Are you wondering how to make time for yourself? It turns out the secret lies in the little things. Here are 12 tiny tips to help you create space in your everyday life.

I’ve always believed in the importance of taking time for yourself—time to sit, to breathe, and to reflect—but lately, this desire has evolved into something more.

Choose a time of day, day of the week, week of the month, or month of the year and reserve it on your calendar. Don’t fill it with anything extra.


Donate ten things you don’t use. Notice if the extra space you created can inspire you to create space in your calendar, too.


Instead of focusing on an arbitrary number, I chose to focus on feeling healthy. Healthy living is easier when it’s about feeling good instead of battling the scales.


Keep a wellness calendar, or choose a color on your digital calendar to signal wellness. When you schedule something that is just for you, mark it.


Schedule a chime on your phone for a random time in the day. When you hear the chime, step away from what you are doing and take three slow, full, conscious breaths.


Say no to one calendar invite that you know is not necessary and will not bring you joy. What might you be saying yes to when saying no to that?


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