What you own and do should reflect your values and priorities, meaning minimalism will look different for everyone. The guidelines are flexible because it’s not a one size fits all lifestyle.
I think the 20/20 rule helps because it opens the line of thinking: what would I do if I needed this item and didn’t have it. But I don’t like the lack of consideration for individual circumstances.
Before you dump your entire wardrobe on your bed, a good rule of thumb is to think about the end goal you want to achieve.
I recommend creating limits for sentimental items (refer back to my suggestion about gift bags) with consideration to the space you have and what you most want to do with it.
The one in, one out rule is relatively simple: anytime you bring something new into your home, you should also take something out.
The students who focused on quantity did better than those who focused on quality because they were forced to practice instead of obsessing over perfectionism.