… your home is overflowing and you feel like you’re drowning in “stuff”
… you’re always busy and there’s never enough time to do the things that matter most
… there’s always a countdown to the weekend or your next holiday
… you often feel trapped and you daydream about being anywhere but where you are
… you feel like you’re just going through the motions and not truly living life
… you’ve had enough and you’re ready for something different
If this resonates with you, my friend, we have definitely got something to talk about.
I’m here because I want to help you clear the clutter from your home and life.
I know that you’re busy, tired and probably overwhelmed.
I know that you want something different for yourself but you don’t know where to begin.
I know that deep down you want to believe that there’s a better way to live, but maybe you’re scared that you’re expecting too much.
I’m here to tell that you’re not.
It’s not selfish, it’s not wrong, and it’s not strange to want to live a life filled with joy and purpose.
I’ve been where you are and there is a better way.
It IS possible to feel at ease in your life.
It IS possible to have more time, more money and more energy for the things that matter most to you.
It IS possible to clear the clutter and create a life you love.
Stick around and I promise, I’ll help you get there.
Here’s what I know to be true:
I believe there are way too many people out there living on autopilot and doing what’s expected of them (school, careers, families, mortgages and more!) without actively deciding or even thinking about what they really want out of life.
And when this happens? There is no passion; life is lacklustre, hollow, and sometimes even hopeless.
Making things worse—without a clear sense of identity or purpose to fall back on—we try to fill the void by owning more stuff.
We’re becoming mindless consumers, buying stuff we don’t need or even want, for reasons we can’t even articulate.
Unfortunately, it’s not working. For too many of us, life gets bigger, but not better.
I know because I’ve been there too, living a life that looks good on the outside (courtesy of an overflowing closet) but feels empty on the inside.
I felt suffocated and trapped in my life.
… and slowly everything began to change.
I started by decluttering my stuff, and I was surprised to find that the less I owned, the more hopeful and optimistic I felt. As I said goodbye to rarely worn cocktail dresses and never used serving trays, a seed of possibility started growing in my heart.
I began to wonder what my new future might look like—and it was then I realised that decluttering was only the beginning.
The questions I asked about my purchases and possessions grew into questions about my life and my purpose.
I started asking myself: What brings me joy? Why am I on this path? What needs letting go? Where do I want to go?
I was learning that minimalism goes hand in hand with intentional living.
Gradually, I started reevaluating all my life choices, mindfully and with intention, and began making adjustments accordingly.
It wasn’t an overnight change, but I went from feeling trapped and stuck to thriving and loving my life—and I want this for you too!
I’m not a world leading expert or some sort of “guru” but I am an open heart, and—if you’ve read this far—I daresay a kindred spirit.
Simply + Fiercely is my invitation to you.
Will you join me on a journey towards simple and intentional living?
STEP 1: Simple and intentional living begins by listening to your heart and clearly defining what matters most to you. Having a strong vision for your life is essential if you want to stop living on auto-pilot and start living on purpose.
STEP 2: Next, it’s time to clear the clutter. With your vision in mind, it becomes easy to see what’s adding value to your life and what’s not. Be bold and let go of everything that’s weighing you down.
STEP 3: Finally, honour this new space you’ve created for yourself by filling your life with more of what matters. You now have the time, energy and money to do the things that bring you joy and make you feel alive.
If you want to clear the clutter and create a life you love, then I’m here for you.
I’d love for you to join over 20,000 like-minded souls and subscribe to Simply + Fiercely! You’ll get emails with tips and inspiration for a simpler, more intentional life—as well as a free copy of Mindful Decluttering.
Mindful Decluttering is a free guide and workbook where I share step-by-step exactly how I decluttered my home and life. It includes practical advice, personal stories, and a troubleshooting guide to help you overcome your decluttering challenges!