Clear Your Clutter + Create Space For Joy
Hello there! I’m Jennifer and welcome to Simply + Fiercely. I’m a traveller, minimalist and dream chaser—and I created this site in 2015 because I have a story to share.
Once upon a time (not that long ago), I was a shopaholic and workaholic. My life looked great from the outside—courtesy of an overflowing closet—but on the inside, I felt trapped.
I was suffocating under the weight of my responsibilities and possessions. My life kept getting bigger … but not better.
For years, I accepted this as normal because it’s what I saw all around me. Everyone I knew was living a cluttered, busy life too—why should my life be any different?
Fortunately, I decided not to settle for a life half-lived and now I’m passionate about helping other women just like me. There is another way and if you’re interested, I’d love to share it with you.

Simple living is the result of hundreds, if not thousands, of tiny decisions. Collectively, these small choices to slow down, respect your boundaries, and care for yourself can change your life.

The Simply + Fiercely Show is a podcast for women who want to clear their clutter and create space for freedom and joy. If your life keeps getting bigger—but not better—then it’s time to declutter from the inside out. LISTEN NOW