We all go through periods when we feel stuck or unmotivated. When I feel this way, one thing that helps me is reading encouraging messages—which is why I put this list together.
Here are 25 intentional living quote that will inspire a life well lived.

25 Quotes That Inspire Intentional Living
“Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.” – Jack Canfield
For a long time, I felt like I was trapped in a life that looked good on the outside but felt all wrong on the inside. I knew that I wanted something different for myself but I was afraid. What if I tried something new and failed? What would everyone think of me?
This held me back for years—until the fear of staying stuck became greater than my fear of change. And you know what? Looking back now, I’ve made a lot of mistakes but my only genuine regrets are the things I didn’t do.

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine
Take a moment to reflect back on your life. Odds are, the most meaningful moments are ones that required a leap of faith.
When we take chances and face challenges, we are rewarded with wisdom, experience and more (even when we don’t get the results we were expecting).

“Life is from the inside out. When you shift on the inside, life shifts on the outside.” – Kamal Ravikant
This sums up everything I’ve learned on my journey from shopaholic to minimalist. I struggled for years until I learned that changing your mindset comes first. Make the shift first and eventually, everything else falls into place.
Related Post: 5 Essential Mindsets for Simple Living

“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” – Zig Ziglar

A beautiful view at the end of a very, very long hike in Malaysia. It was worth it.
“One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” – attributed to the Dalai Lama
When things aren’t going to plan, then take a deep breath and let it all go. Invite positive thoughts, take care of yourself, and practice self-kindness.
“Don’t search for the meaning of life. Simply be present for the people you love.” – Maxime Lagacé

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” – Steve Jobs
Intentional living is about being true to yourself—but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. After all, most of us spend our lives bombarded by messages about who we’re supposed to be and what we’re supposed to do. How do we find our own unique voice?
It’s a journey of self-discovery, one that requires an investment of time and energy. Here are some resources to help you if you’re looking for guidance:
- An Intro to Intentional Living: 7 Things You Need to Know
- 7 Questions to Inspire Intentional Living
- Values + Vision: Dive deep into your values and learn how to align your life with what matters most
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – attributed to Confucius
It doesn’t have to be—here are 17 Heart-Centred Ways to Simplify Your Life.
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” – Albert Einstein
“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard
I remember a time when I thought 30 was too old to change the course of my life. I thought I had “made my bed” and now it was time to live with the consequences.
A decade later, this memory makes me laugh. I’ve since learned it’s never too late. Every day, every minute even, is a new opportunity.

“Be willing to sacrifice what you think you have today for the life that you want tomorrow.” – Neil Strauss
Life is about tradeoffs and everything has a cost. Choose wisely.

“Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience.” – Unknown
“Lean forward into your life. Begin each day as if it were on purpose.” – Mary Anne Radmacher
Throughout my life, I often made the mistake of underestimating myself. I felt small and insignificant, and I believed that my daily choices didn’t matter.
It became a self-fulfilling prophecy. I was stuck in survival mode—never realising that I had the power to change things. We all do, so “lean forward” and reach out for the things that matter.

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” – Oprah Winfrey
This should be my unofficial motto—everything I write on this blog comes from a “wound” I’ve experienced. I’ve tried running from my past and it doesn’t work. Learn from it instead.
“Life imposes things on you that you can’t control, but you still have the choice of how you’re going to live through this.” – Celine Dion
“Life is ours to be spent, not to be saved.” – D. H. Lawrence
When I was in my early twenties, I lost my father and younger brother within six months of each other. It was a powerful reminder that life is short.
Don’t waste your time, money or energy chasing the status quo. Instead, invest in the things that make you feel alive.
“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” – Les Brown
I would argue that our dreams often live on the other side of fear. Follow them and see where they take you.

“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” – Bruce Lee
“Be Fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” – attributed to Jennifer Lee
I love this quote but I think the concept is often misinterpreted. Following your passions doesn’t mean ignoring reality—say choosing a job you “love” over one that pays the bills.
Instead, I believe that it’s about the little things we do every day. How can we work our passions into our ordinary lives?
Yes, of course, take big leaps of faith if you can! But if you can’t, think outside the box and create everyday magic. Opportunities are everywhere if we look for them.
Related Post: How to Enjoy the Simple Things in Life
“Life is very interesting… in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths.” – Drew Barrymore
“There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you have enough” – unknown
How often do we hold onto things that no longer serve us? In our closets, our schedules and our relationships—there’s often an unspoken belief that letting go equates to failure.
But what if we changed the narrative? What if we accept that things don’t have to last forever to be meaningful? How would this help us clear the clutter from our homes, hearts and minds?
“Life is a question and how we live it is our answer.” – Gary Keller

“Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments.” – Rose Kennedy
Realising this was truly a turning point in my life. I had invested so much time and energy into chasing milestones—buying a home, getting promotions, going on overseas holidays—doing all the things that I thought would make me happy.
But what about the moments in-between?
My everyday life felt dull and repetitive. I was restless, living for the weekends and addicted to mindless shopping. I was stuck going through the motions and I hated it.
So I decided to let it all go. I stopped comparing my life to other people’s expectations and instead, chose to live life to the fullest every day.

“Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.” – William James

“Living with intention means saying no to the things that aren’t important to us so we can say yes to what matters most.” – Crystal Paine
Absolutely. This is why I think intentional living and minimalist living go hand in hand. You must clear the clutter in order to create space for the things that matter most.
What are your favourite intentional living quotes? What inspires you to live a life well lived? Let us know in the comments!